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একদম ফালতু কিছু জোকস (2 Viewers)

Q. What did the little boat say to the yacht?

A. Can I interest you in a little row-mance?
Man: "Honey, on this Valentine's Day, I want to tell you something... I'm not rich like Jack. I don't have a mansion like Russell. I don't have a Porsche like Martin. But I do love you and I want to marry you." Woman: "Oh, dear, I love you too! What was that you said about Martin?"
Me: "I love you." You: "Is that you or the wine talking?" Me: "It's me talking to the wine."
I once gave my husband the 
silent treatment for an entire week, at the end of which he declared, “Hey, we’re getting along pretty great lately!” Bonnie McFarlane, 
from You’re Better Than Me
While volunteering in a soup kitchen, I hit it off with a very attractive single man. It was a relief, since my mother and I always laughed 
because the men to whom I was drawn were inevitably married. So, optimistic about my chances, I asked my new friend what he did for a 
living. He replied, “I’m a priest.” Lisa Shasha, Norwich, Connecticut

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