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ফর অ্যাডাল্টস ওনলি: সভ্য নগ্নতা (2 Viewers)

In the sixties, a thing called mooning was introduced in America. Mooning or ' butt show' is suddenly taking off your pants in public and showing your ass . Mooning was named as the buttock shaped like a full moon .
As soon as the mooning wave ended , the streaking
storm began . Streaking means ' electricity '. Of course, just as Kanchanjunga is not Kanchanbabu's jungha, it goes without saying that lightning speed is not lightning speed. Streaking is running completely naked. Birthday Sute Bhagam-Bhaag. What else can be called Udom Udyam. It started in 1972 at Yale University in America (Yale University). Two students ran through Nyangtou to protest the Vietnam War. Both were caught by the police. They were imprisoned for several months. A few days later, two young ladies streaked to the University of Texas. The names of these two will be mentioned in the naked pages of the hot history, no sorry, the hot pages of the naked history. They are the pioneers of girl freedom or can be called naked. Then 508 students set the streaking record at the University of South Carolina. A few days later, the nudity record of the University of Colorado was broken by 1200 students dancing Udom together. The competition started. Who can do more of this nudity show or how crazy nangto stunts can be. His new discovery began. Five male students from West Georgia parachuted from a plane in Nangto. In Canada, one showed adventure by streaking in extreme cold (twenty degrees below freezing point). During the test match between New Zealand and England in front of thirty thousand spectators, a student from New Zealand ran on the field as Nangto.

Psychologists have given various explanations for this unprecedented madness.
They said:
It is a sad protest of failure in life, a new advertisement of frustration. A futile attempt to express self-identity in a very public way.
This spread of nudity is to attract public attention with shock.
Breaking social rules by streaking is a secret gain in wrongdoing.
Sin, other crimes are always the means of escape from the social shackles. So useful. This is why Oscar Wilde wrote, " What I love is either antisocial, immoral or illegal ".

Protesting naked is not a new invention of this age.
900 years ago, Lady Gediva, wife of the Lord of Coventry, rode naked through the streets on horseback to protest the high taxes levied on the subjects of Wakewickshire. In protest against the husband, the husband was forced to withdraw the duty. This is the first instance of tax withdrawal by showing sex.

This nude protest was also held in Greece before Lady Godiva in England. After the island of Salamis was captured at the Battle of Salamis, the playwright Sophocles led a naked procession through the streets of Athens. The splendor of the Seva Yatra must have been enhanced by nudity.

This new culture of nudity was born in Germany at the turn of the 20th century. Nacktbultur in German means Naked culture i.e. Nudist started under the leadership of a few nudists. They have put forward many social scientific arguments in favor of nudity to prove that nudity is a very healthy movement. This movement gradually became popular all over the world. As a result, nudist colonies were established in Germany, Scandinavia, France, England, America, Canada, Yugoslavia, Spain, Czechoslovakia and other countries. With a lot of space, these nudists have built clubs, residences, swimming pools, restaurants and made a modern city. Streaking is actually a new branch of the nudist movement.

But no, not America or Germany. Lady Godiva or Sophocles are not the progenitors of this nude movement. The birthplace of this movement is ancient India. The ferocity of this nudity is not a gift of the West. It was long ago in the ancient history of India. Four thousand years ago today, Maharaja Janaka called a conference of the famous sages, munis and sages of that time. Mahajnaneshwari Gargi came completely naked to that Gnanabharati meeting. Other wise sages were surprised that such a great woman of knowledge and wisdom came naked.

When some criticized this shamelessness of Gargi, Gargi replied - " You do not understand the meaning of true Vedanta. A true Vedantic never sees the nakedness of the body in the naked body, but sees the immaterial that great truth, that great knowledge, that great wisdom—another name for that power which is God. The body is so eternal. False, what is true is immortal, immortal ."
Besides, Shri Krishna established a nudist colony in Vrindavan by removing the clothes of the gopis.

Long before this philosophy of nudism by the Germans, the Digambara saint community of the great sage Mahavir Jainism was created.

In the tide of sexual freedom in Copenhagen, a variety of photo books of men and women are on the market. How many different seats, how many strange postures! But to our Khajuraho and Konark Gemini postures and process variations, these are very interesting. Long before topless restaurants in Europe and America, Ajanta Illera's topless girls showed bare chest rooms. Konark, which was publicized a long time ago, is just being aired in Copenhagen tomorrow! The evolution of social adventure, which is new to the West, is a very old history in India. Freud wrote the Vatsyayana Kamasastra long before Jung Master and Johnson. We are repeating things that we have learned from foreigners.
Adolescent boys worry about the length of their penises, while girls worry about the height of their breasts. Looking at body-oriented literature and body-oriented advertisements, this is a meaningless mentality. If there is freedom of nudity, all these problems will disappear. Darshankam or showiness will also be relieved. No one wants to read a sexual nonsense paper. Will not buy photo books secretly.
A great weapon of class war is clothes. Who is a rich girl and who is a poor girl, who is a minister and who is a small worker, who is an actress and who is a country leader, who is a king and who is a citizen, who is a policeman and who is a Naxal, who is a teacher and who is a farmer, who is a student and who is a midwife, Who is the Maharani and who is the doctor, who is the noble and who is the sinner, who is the hero and who is the singer, who is the housewife and who is the bride. Undress everyone, you will see only two classes - men and women. If you want to climb the first step of communism, giving up clothes is the main way. Pull the clothes of the rich first. This will save women from the need for sarees. Husbands, fathers will survive. The bride does not have to wear a cheli, she just recites the mantra, she doesn't have to lift her head to see the bride in the house, she just has to lift her eyes. Not only the cost of buying clothes will be saved, but all the costs of washing clothes will also be saved, the cost of sewing will also be saved.

If today everyone can take off their clothes and be united, tomorrow they can be united by opening their hearts.

Compiled and edited from the section titled 'Strike' in the book 'For Adults Only' by Sachin Bhowmik.​
Very detailed informative and interesting read
"If today everyone can take off their clothes and be united, tomorrow they can be united by opening their hearts."
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