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  1. Bergamo

    Collected Artists Builds Bicycles Based On People’s Attempts To Draw Them From Memory

    Italian designer Gianluca Gimini asked his friends and strangers to draw a bicycle from memory. While some got it right, most made technical errors. After collecting hundreds of drawings, he started building realistic 3D renderings of the bikes based on these sketches…
  2. Bergamo

    Lisa Ann - Sex Down Memory Lane

  3. Perverse

    [Valiant] Bloodshot: Rising Spirit #1 (2018)

    BLOODSHOT Issue 1 (2018) Description: Before a weapon is deployed in battle, it must be designed, refined, field-tested. Bloodshot was no exception. In the early days of the private military contractor Project Rising Spirit, the nanite-infused super-soldier who would one day become their...