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করোনা ভাইরাসের কোন টিকা ভালো ? (3 Viewers)


Jul 2, 2020
করোনা ভাইরাসের কোন টিকা ভালো ? কলকাতায় ২-৩ রকম টিকা দেবার কথা সরকার ঘোষণা করেছে - covishield, covaxin আর রাশিয়ান sputnik v. কিন্তু এখন কোনো কিছু পাওয়ায় যাচ্ছে না, যখন পাওয়া যাবে তখন কোনো প্রেফারেন্স থাকবে কি ?
Please do not spread false information about vaccines. Both Covishield (oxford-astrazeneca) and Sputnik V completed all 3 stages of trials (stage 3 being the largest and most detailed among them) some time ago with their results published in scientific journals publicly. Covaxin is undergoing stage 3 trial period and its interim results are already publicly available (14 days after 2nd dose is given to trial subjects). All three vaccines have shown quite good efficacy against severe covid-19 related sickness. Take any that is available for the time being. This vaccination may be an yearly requirement soon and in future you'll all get better information and can choose better, I am sure.
Please do not spread false information about vaccines. Both Covishield (oxford-astrazeneca) and Sputnik V completed all 3 stages of trials (stage 3 being the largest and most detailed among them) some time ago with their results published in scientific journals publicly. Covaxin is undergoing stage 3 trial period and its interim results are already publicly available (14 days after 2nd dose is given to trial subjects). All three vaccines have shown quite good efficacy against severe covid-19 related sickness. Take any that is available for the time being. This vaccination may be an yearly requirement soon and in future you'll all get better information and can choose better, I am sure.
well.. actually the part of the statement is not scientifically accurate and one can always question.. I mean, all those vaccines which are being tested are in controlled environments and samples are collected locally, so there is still lack of 'The vaccine'.. Other hand, the virus is mutating fast as there are already Indian, African variants, and the way the govt handling the situation is a pure joke, e.g. the gap between 2 Covishield doses were first 15-20 days, then 40-45 days and now you must wait for 90 days! So its a valid question to ask if the vaccine is okay or our govt messing it up!
well.. actually the part of the statement is not scientifically accurate and one can always question.. I mean, all those vaccines which are being tested are in controlled environments and samples are collected locally, so there is still lack of 'The vaccine'.. Other hand, the virus is mutating fast as there are already Indian, African variants, and the way the govt handling the situation is a pure joke, e.g. the gap between 2 Covishield doses were first 15-20 days, then 40-45 days and now you must wait for 90 days! So its a valid question to ask if the vaccine is okay or our govt messing it up!

Which part of my comment is not 'scientifically correct'?
Just to clarify a few things you seem to have mixed up :
  • I never said it is not a valid question to be concerned. I respect the original poster's concern and commented after noticing some misinformation like 'all the vaccines are in trial period' etc.
  • If you try to read a bit about the different stages of vaccine trials, you would know that stage 3 is the largest in scope, including tens of thousands of participants and effort is made to use variety of gender, race, ethnicity, age group of participants so the widest possible effects can be noticed. So, they are not always 'collected locally' as you say.
  • Of course there is no single 'The Vaccine' like a silver bullet solution (don't think I claimed anything like that in my first post), that's why there are about 5 or 6 decent ones in the market all over the world.
  • Your one comment is very true and very relevant : that the virus is mutating. You'll notice in my original comment, I said this is probably going to be 'an yearly requirement' i.e. an annual vaccination practice ... that what is done for regular flu virus in many countries in the world. That does NOT make the vaccine now available useless or less trustworthy.
  • These are right now the best tool to stop the spread of the virus (and in the process also to slow down the possible dangerous mutations), so vaccinations (with any decent one that is available) should be encouraged.
Never said your comment is scientifically incorrect, was meant the trial process, anyways, you have full faith in science and research and related trial process - so do I, that's alright..but just like science you can and have the right to question and I did, and thanks for agreeing with me on that part.

I am not saying that the procedure is faulty, but just there is not enough evidence of effects in many cases, e.g. what about pregnant women? what's the effects of vaccine on them? if you have any valid study or paper on this please refer.. because what i have seen (and it's evident with actual Govt. brochures) that they left the choice to individual means that there is not enough evidence if it will affect on pregnancy. These are serious.

I agree with you and like you I am whole heartily a supporter of taking vaccine whichever they offer but I am more concern about long-term effects and as you said it would be a yearly thing but that also doesn't mean that we should stop vaccination. Lets Science do their thing and hope for the best :)

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