It makes a moderator's job a lot easier when members report obscene posts. If you see someone breaking the rules, here's how you can do your part:
As you can see above, the site admin is spamming pretty hard. Let's send word to the other site admins by clicking the "Report" button under the post.
Once you have your reason typed out, go ahead and press report post and you're all done. Xenforo makes it really easy for admins and moderators to access reported content, and it really helps them a lot.
As you can see above, the site admin is spamming pretty hard. Let's send word to the other site admins by clicking the "Report" button under the post.
Once you have your reason typed out, go ahead and press report post and you're all done. Xenforo makes it really easy for admins and moderators to access reported content, and it really helps them a lot.