Dear Nirjonmela User, Warning System will be Automatically Post Warning notifications in This thread. Please remember don't spam the board and you must follow Forum Rules and Posting Guidelines. It is the forum member's responsibility to stay up to date on forum rules. Users who violate forum rules will be banned and offending content will be removed at any time, without warning.
In order to avoid being banned or having your post deleted or locked, please observe the following rules:
- Do not post duplicates or mulitple repeated post all across the board. That's consider spamming and it simply annoy others. A single post will bring the message across just as well, so duplicating is not necessary.
- Multiple or repeated posting of the same thread or topic is not allowed. If a thread or reply has been trashed or closed, you should not post the same thread again. "Bumping" a thread is also prohibited. There is a single exception to allow you to bump your sole recruitment thread at most once per day. This means 24 hours must have elapsed since the last post in the thread before it may be bumped.
- Do not post any Content that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, torturous, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, porn, invasive of another's privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable in your posts/threads and/or PMs. This includes the use of language/words as well as images.
- Do not use character substitution, spaces, hyphens or other ways to circumvent the profanity filter. It is there for a reason and not to be bypassed.
- Do not post content that could cause intentional interference or deliberate attempts to overload a system with the operation.
- No flaming or trolling.