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How To Use Nirjonmela Forum - User Guide (1 Viewer)

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Staff member
Mar 1, 2018
Thread Title Style (One)
Profile Music

Hello and welcome to Nirjonmela! This guide is meant to help new and old members alike in using and understanding all the features Nirjonmela has to offer. Reading or even skimming through this guide should explain how to use certain features. If you have a particular question, check out the FAQ or ask a question in the Nirjonmela Help and Suggestions forum.

A brief description of all the major points is shown here. This won't be comprehensive, but should be enough to get you comfortable with day-to-day activities. I'll update/add to this guide as needed. Note: This guide applies mainly to the Uniform style (what you should see upon first signing in).


I. Site Navigation

  • 1. Home
  • 2. Forums
  • 3. What's new
  • 4. Media
  • 5. Image Host
  • 6. Forms
  • 7. Members
  • 8. Shop
  • 9. Donate
II. Your Account

  • 1. Your Profile Page
  • 2. Avatar
  • 3. News Feed
  • 4. Your Content
  • 5. Likes Given/Received
  • 6. Account Details
  • 7. Password and Security
  • 8. Privacy
  • 9. Preferences
  • 10. Signature
  • 11. Account Upgrades
  • 12. Connected Accounts
  • 13. People you follow; People you ignore
  • 14. Inbox/Conversations
  • 15. Alerts
III. The Forums

  • 1. Forum List
  • 2. Posting
  • 3. Threads
  • 4. Searching
  • 5. Global Rules

I. Site Navigation

When first visiting Nirjonmela, you will be brought to the home page of the site. This page serves as a conduit to all parts of the site and most importantly, the forums, which are covered in detail in [III. The Forums]. A main part of navigation on the site is the top bar below the logo.


1. Forums

New posts shows the latest activity on the boards.

Find threads is broken down by threads you've started, threads you've posted in, unanswered threads, and your watched threads. Click on each corresponding link to view each category.

Watched brings you directly to your watched threads. You can also choose the more broad "watched forums".

Search forums brings you directly to the site's advanced search

Mark forums read marks all forums as read

2. What's new

The activity feed lets you view new posts, watched areas, new profile posts, your news feed, and the latest activity on Nirjonmela.

3. Members

As the name implies, the Members tab is primarily a list of all members on Nirjonmela. Ever been curious about who has the most posts on the forum, who has received the most likes, or who has acquired the most forum points? This menu allows you to view all the top ranked posters on Nirjonmela, as well as providing a list of all staff members on the forum. A list of members with birthdays on the given day is also available.

Of importance here is the staff list as mentioned. It shows who the moderators are and what sections they moderate.
II. Your Account

Your account is your online presence, so knowing how to change things is pretty important. In general, the drop-down when clicking your username in the top right corner is a one stop shop for your preferences and user details as well as updating your status.


1. Your Profile Page

Clicking on you name on the drop down user card will lead to your profile page. This is basically your public presence on the boards. People can view your posting history, your profile posts, and the personal details you entered when joining the site such as Nirjonmela IDs, Bros. mains, gender, avatar, location. There is also a section where you can enter a short bio about yourself.

2. Avatar

Clicking on your avatar will bring up an overlay where you can choose your site avatar. It's recommended you upload an image that is at least 150x150 px. You can also opt to use Gravatar providing you have such an account, or to remove your current avatar entirely.

3. News Feed

Your news feed displays the activity of users you follow such as what they liked and postings they make.

4. Your Content

Your content shows your most recent postings.

5. Likes Given/Received

This is where you can view the posts you have liked and view which of your posts people have liked.

6. Account Details

This brings you to your account details page. On this page you can edit the details of your account, such as: email, mains, about you, NNID, gender, etc. Premium users can also change their username (once a month) and change their custom titles from this page.

7. Password and Security

Change your password here. In this area, you can change your password and enable two-step verification.

8. Privacy

This page lets you set how stringent you want to be on your privacy. Anything from setting your birth date private to email preferences, to to level of what users see on your profile can be set here.

9. Preferences

Here you may change your skin, time zone, and other preferences. You can choose to display a group ribbon (if applicable). You may also choose whether or not to have the navbar at the top of the screen follow you as you scroll, or to view usernames, titles, medals, and other extras such as post count and join date while browsing the forums. Also notable is the ability to set a custom color that your posts will automatically be colored with; the option to hide that feature on other users posts is also available.

Alert Preferences includes a variety of options to customize the alerts you receive. There are far too many combinations to list out, but if you are looking to remove alerts when people like your posts, etc., this is the place.

10. Signature

The signature page lets you enter/edit the signature that everyone sees when you post. Note: Your signature is only shown on the first post you make on a page and will not be visible on any other post until a new page is reached.

11. Account Upgrades

Account Upgrades allows you to donate to Nirjonmela and become a Premium Member. Premium members receive many perks, which are outlined here and here. This is also where users may gift a premium account to another user. The full list of perks is as follows:

  • No advertisements
  • Premium banner
  • Allowed To View Hidden Content
  • Unique name colour
  • Ability to change user title
  • Access to PC for private conversation
  • Unlimited Access to Adult Zone
  • Unlimited Access to Choti Zone
  • Post count are not required Access to Adult/Choti Zone
  • Ability to change your username
  • Ability to link approved alternate accounts
  • Live Threads
12. Connected Accounts

This option enables you to tie your Facebook account to your Nirjonmela account. This allows you to easily share posts, threads and the like to your Facebook account, as well as sign in using your Facebook account details.

13. People You Follow; People You Ignore

Here you can edit the list of members you Follow, and add or remove users from your Ignore List.



14. Inbox/Conversations

Clicking on the "Inbox" will activate a drop down menu with your most recent conversations. To view all conversations, click on "Show all" at the bottom left of the drop down menu. To quickly start a new conversation, click on "Start a new conversation" on the bottom right of the drop down menu.

Conversations are private messages you can send to other members. Once on the Conversations page, you will see a list of conversations you have received and sent. At the bottom of the page, you can easily filter the messages by setting only specific usernames to look for, or choosing to display only sent or received messages.

To send a conversation to someone, simply click "Start New Conversation", and fill out the title and body of your message. You can choose to send the message to up to 10 people (Premium members can send to 50) by separating usernames with a comma.

After sending or receiving a conversation you will notice the interface is very much like on the forums. You may like participants' messages, quote, edit, and report messages. To the right side you will see a cool feature that tells you when participants have last looked at the conversation, as well as an option to add more participants. Along the top of the page, you can choose to "star" the conversation, edit the conversation, or leave the conversation.

15. Alerts

Clicking on "Alerts" will activate a drop down menu that displays your most recent alerts. To view all of your alerts, click "Show all" at the bottom left of the drop down menu. To change your alert settings, click on "Preferences" on the bottom right of the drop down menu.
III. The Forums

The Nirjonmela forums are obviously the most important part of the site. It is a community that serves as a hub for all Nirjonmela fans, whether they are competitive or into more friendly view. As such, the different boards cover an enormous amount of content across all Nirjonmela. Entertainment Zone, including Adult Area. Forums for other subjects exist as well! This section covers these different boards and all functions available to you.

1. Forum List

2. Posting or Creating a thread

Assuming you're not just lurking around the forums posting is...important. While posting a simple message is relatively easy there also some more obscure things that can be done in your posts.


This image represents the functions that can be found at the bottom of every post.

Replying: The "Reply" feature (bottom right of the above image) lets you quote other posts. You can quote multiple posts by clicking reply on every post you want to reply to. If the post is long or image, video, or GIF heavy try editing out extraneous bits. If the member you quote has the option turned on the quote will notify them.

Multi-Quote: In the image above, click the "+ Quote" button under several posts to easily reply to all of them within a single post. Once you've clicked for each post you want to reply to, go to the post editor, and click "Insert Quotes" to review and reorder your chosen messages, and add them to your post.


In addition to quoting and replying entire posts, you can also use your mouse to highlight a portion of a post, and add it to your quote selection or reply.

Liking: You can "like" posts instead of replying to a post with messages that could be considered spam such as ""lol" or "this." Likes you've received personally are covered in an earlier section.

Reporting: If a post breaks the Global Rules the fastest way to get it reviewed is to report it. By clicking Report you can send a small message explaining what the person did wrong -- a moderator assigned to that area will look at it and take appropriate action.

"[HASH=236]#"[/HASH] Each post has a small number on the top right of the post body. Clicking it allows you to link directly to that post.

"@" To tag and get the attention of a member you can type @ and the member's username exactly as it appears on the site. Example: @Nirjonmela



This image represents the Rich Text Editor tool bar.
Read more here: How to Open Thread and Upload Images - Nirjonmela Desi Forum

Videos and Images: You can embed videos by clicking the "media" button (found in the drop down menu to the right of the smilies) on the post editor (so long as you are using the Rich Text Editor). Otherwise you can embed Youtube videos by using [yt] tags and putting the video ID inside, closing it with [/ yt] (no spaces). Images can be added in the same way but using the Image button instead.


Alternatively, you can click on the drop down menu to the right of the smilies in the above image and select "media".

Spoilers: To make spoilers (also known as collapsing), wrap [ spoiler ] tags around the text. To make the spoiler have text describing its contents, use spoiler words. Be sure end the text with spoiler.

Nirjonmela Desi Forum!

The way this should look pre-post is as follows: This is an example: Nirjonmela Desi Forum!

Alternatively, you can click on the drop down menu to the right of the smilies in the above image and select "quote".

BB Code: For BB Code help, check here.

3. Threads

Watch Thread: By clicking "Watch Thread", the thread will be added to a list of threads that you can easily check on the top of the Home tab.

Adding Polls: If you have the option available to you, you may post a poll along with your thread. This will appear just below the title of your thread.

Editing the Title: If the thread is yours, you can edit the title by going to the top of the page, navigating to Thread Tools and clicking Edit Thread. (Moderator only)

4. Searching

Oftentimes you may find yourself wondering whether a certain thread exists, or you might be trying to find a post you saw once. You might even think you have something new to say, but there's already a thread for it! For times like this, use the search feature! The search feature can be used with either extremely narrow or very general parameters. Here's a brief overlook of how:

Search is located at the top right of the page. By clicking on the box, you may do a simple search of all of Nirjonmela by keyword, member, date, and whether or not it's a post or an actual thread. If, for example you wanted to find this thread and you knew that 1) it was a thread with "Bangla" in the title and 2) it was originally posted by Nirjonmela you might type this in:


You may also be generally broad. Let's say you wanted to find the thread Nirjonmela made in support of thread for Help and Suggestions forum. You could enter the following parameters in the image below to search for it.

Notice the extra options we are given. You are able to scroll through the forum list to find the Newcomer Speculation subforum, type in your keywords, and find the thread. Try it out for yourself if you like!

5. Global Rules

The Global Rules are not pasted below for your convenience. They can otherwise be found here.

Thank you for looking through the user guide. Remember to have fun, and we hope you continue to be a part of the Nirjonmela community! If you need help don't hesitate to ask in the appropriate threads or message another Staff user.
How to Select Forum Styles/Themes?

There are Five available forum styles to choose from. You can only choose a style if you are logged in this forum.

  • Material Pro (This is the default theme)
  • Fluid Layout
  • Flat Awesome
  • Uniform
  • UI.X Pro

The Style Chooser is located at the bottom left of any page, in the blue bar. Click on the current style name to open the Style Chooser and then select your preferred style. Note: This selection is also available under your personal Preferences menu.

Threads you have replied to ... ?

User Avatar indicating threads you've replied to ... The default mini-me avatar displays the number of posts you have in a thread.


Click on your mini-me in any thread list. All of your posts in that thread will be returned as a search result.


The tooltip add hyperlink to the mini-me icon in the thread list view. Clicking on the mini-me icon lists all the posts that user has made in that thread.
Invitation System: We have build in Invitation (Referrer) system and we will show you how it's work?

You can invite your friends on 2 ways:

1. Referral Link


You can find this wedged on Sidebar - copy your Referral link like this

https://nirjonmela.com/members/YOUR USERNAME

and send this to your friend.

2. Email Invite


- This method is easier - go to 'Invite friends' on this wedged then you see this window.


- All what's you need is type email from your friend and SEND INVITATION.

For 1 invited User you gain 100 Credits! More info will come soon ... :geek:
Shop System and Currency - Find the Shops and Items!

As you all have heard - Now on you have more options to get your amount of Credits on the far right of the Nav Bar and Hover over that area to get the drop-down.



How can get Credits? You can get Credits for a successful Registration, for creating a new Topic, for posting a Message, if your message was "LIKED" by someone, if you "LIKE" some message, if you upload the avatar, for Daily Login .... ETC.

You ask "what do I need this Credits for?" - We can tell you. Besides our Currency, we also have a virtual SHOP (you can find this - HERE - or in the navigation click on the Shop) - Where you can spend your own money, at the moment we do not have so many products to choose from but it will change with time.

Gifting: Members can gift items to other users either on purchase or after the fact. After purchase, this feature is accessible in the Inventory list. Users can add an optional gift message, which will be shown in the conversation and in the user's inventory.


And now I will explain some products in the SHOP:

Username Change ---- After buy you can change your username.

Custom title ---- After buy you can set your own User title.

Profile Music --- Example to my profiles.


and more .....


Later, there will be more products. Continue to follow the news, just in this thread.

Holidays: Celebrate holidays with Nirjonmela community in effects and styling. Currently supported Features of holidays for New Year, Birthday, Christmas, Winter, Valentine’s Day, Thanksgiving, Halloween, and 4th of July. Holidays to automatically start/end the holiday that should be displayed. Holiday timers to start/stop the holiday styling and effects based on the dates specified.

User Features: Enable/disable holiday styling in user preferences.


See the festivities displayed on Nirjonmela community ... :p

Bookmark a post? You can bookmark a post to read it later or to save it for whatever reason.

To bookmark a post you can click on a button Add bookmark in a post: Once clicked it's already bookmarked. You can optionally fill in the Message or Labels field (that is just for your note) and then you must click on the Save button, otherwise you don't have to. Another way to add a bookmark is by clicking the bookmark icon on the right side of a post.


To view your saved bookmarks you can click on the bookmark icon where your username, conversations and alerts are (top right corner) OR clicking your username and then Bookmarks tab:


To copy link, edit or delete a bookmark click the cog icon on the right side of bookmark item:


To view a list of saved bookmarks in your account go to this link: Show all Bookmarks.
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