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world war 2

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  1. Perverse

    Hitler's U-boat War: The Hunters by Clay Blair

    Hitler's U-Boat War The Hunters 1939-1942 by Clay Blair Description: Hitler's U-boat Waris an epic sea story about the most arduous and prolonged naval battle in history. For a period of nearly six years, the German U-boat force attempted to blockade and isolate the British Isles in hopes...
  2. Perverse

    WWII American Spitfire Pilot - A Short Documentary

    World War 2 American Spitfire Pilot An 18 year-old just out of high school was trained to take pictures of damage done to German targets by B-17's. He flew in a British Spitfire fitted with extra fuel tanks where the guns were. In other words, he flew over Germany unarmed... This is...