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tips & tricks

Tips & Tricks was a monthly video game magazine devoted to the subjects of video game cheat codes, strategy guides and lifestyle content. Unlike most video game magazines, it did not include critical reviews of video games and was not a primary source of video game industry news. Instead, it focused on gameplay instructions and hidden "Easter eggs" relating to games that its readers might have already purchased.

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  1. Mashruhan Eshita

    7 Apps that will Change how you Study

    There's this 7th season we all fail to acknowledge, but it's there alright; the admission season and it's already here. Students dread it; mentors can't keep up with all the dough they're making. Fear not because this netizen here has come up with 7 apps to ease some of that...
  2. robinhood

    Tips and Tricks: Discover ways to get the most out of your Android device (Part-1)

    Access all your photos, wherever you go: Get free unlimited storage for all your photos & videos. 1. Open the Google Photos App tap the = menu in the Google Photos 2. Tap "Setting" 3. Select " Backup & Sync" .