Description: After defending the seven seas for eight decades, it's time to throw Aquaman a party! This all-star-filled anthology spans across the ocean king's legacy, not just celebrating his own triumphs, but also those of his greatest allies and enemies. We look at his...
Story: In an alternate world where the mere presence of American superheroes changed history, the US won the Vietnam War, Nixon is still president, and the cold war is in full effect.á WATCHMEN begins as a murder-mystery, but soon unfolds into a planet-altering conspiracy...
It's Collection of Tracy Scops Comics.
If u Don't like Parody Type, then avoid this.
I Think I Upload some of it Which I find In net easily. So which are remain Plz Inform me, I'll upload it. Best If U give me the Link of them, I'll try to refresh the upload (means will add new comics)...