জামাইবাবু বাজারে গেছে। এই ফাকে দিদি পিঠখোলা ব্লাউজে বারান্দায় এসে পোঁদ উচিয়ে দাড়িয়েছে, উত্তেজকর ওই দৃশ্য দেখে মাত্রই ১৮-তে পা দেয়া সমর লাউড়াটা হাফপ্যান্ট থেকে বের করে চুপিচুপি দিদির পিছনে গিয়ে পাছায় ঘষতে আরম্ভ করল। আর্চানা ছোট ভাইয়ের এমন আক্রমনে প্রথমে হচকচিয়ে গেলেও বারান্দায় কেউ নেই দেখে ওর...
Barbie's Fantasy
Starring: Jamie Gillis, Jenny Lane, Jeffrey Hurst, Nina Michaels, Sue Kelly, Butch Brady, Brad Fuller
Description: This lovely teenager has a series of lewd ideas – being gang-banged, having sex with several guys at the same time, lesbian sex, oral sex, and so on...
"Watching Porn with Sister"
Starring: Blair Williams & Robby Echo
Description: Blair walks into her bedroom perturbed; she can't understand why she is to share a bedroom with her younger brother at her age. Blair's a sweet girl, and even when she loses her...
Pablo Escobar’s brother wants $100 million in Tesla shares for Not-a-Flamethrower dispute
Elon Musk is no stranger to taking on powerful forces that stand in the way of his Earth-changing missions, but drug lord families still seem like an odd addition to the list. Despite the improbability...
Brother and Sister in Law
Alessandra Jane
One day, early in the morning I got a phone call from my big brother. He told me to get to his beach house as quick as I can. It sounded important, seemed like he needed for me something.
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